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  • Outcome of the Critical Success Factors (CSF) analysis in the Automotive industry

    183 member companies from Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Serbia and Spain participated in the online questionnaire and/or the interview as part of the Critical Success Factors (CSF) analysis led by the EVOLUTE project of six leading industry clusters in Europe.

    With their support we were able to identify those Critical Success Factors to answer fundamental strategic questions. You can find the outcome of the analysis anonymized and in an aggregated form in the file section (Folder: Cluster Performance Analysis) and attached.

    This will support you in gaining insight into the Critical Success Factors of the local industry as well as on a European level for clusters in Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Serbia and Spain. In the EVOLUTE project this analysis is the basis for the development and offering of new services to the member companies of all clusters. We thank you for your support! If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with me through messages or via e-mail to: wolf@wfgheilbronn.de
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